Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another day, not like yesterday...

It was Nov 22, 2009 and I was driving home from work like any other day.  As I pulled into the garage, I got a phone call...not thinking that only 6 days prior Becky and I had gotten our Foster Parents license, I answered the phone.  It was a case worker from Health & Wellfare saying she may have two boys (half brothers) that need placement later that evening.  I ran inside and threw the phone at Becky....long story short, a few hours later, Becky came home with a 22 month toddler old and a 2 day old, yes, 2 day old new born.

Over the next 7 months we've had our ups and downs, side to side, back and forth....getting dizzy... it has been nothing but a learning experience for all of us.  Today my journey with one of them has come to a close.  He'll be staying with his dad from now on, and that's a good thing.  Watching a human life triple in size, discover the world, get a kick out of dogs, finally start to laugh and giggle....I'll never get to see him finally learn how to crawl, walk, and talk.  Wow, this is really getting sappy....

OK, I'm sad to see him go, but I knew that was going to happen one way or the other.  I'm glad he's going to be with his Dad who loves him alot.  But being the first foster child to leave our care, it's a little weird.  Time to re-adjust the routine.  Hey, at least we have the office back now, which means I'll be able to get more work done and more blogging and more stupid facebook games.

On to happier things -  coming up this month, a visit from M.E. as she moves on to her next chapter, a fun vacation with the family, another haircut, oh, and I plan to win Power Ball so I can retire at 36 in Maui....

God Bless...

Monday, June 21, 2010

the thumb

So I'm sitting here with an injured thumb.  nothing drastic, just something I like to call 'a blister gone bad' (hmmm, I should get that trademarked).  Anyways if anyone is actually reading this, I'll let them know that the blister was actually the result of doing some manual labor in the yard.  I know, pretty creepy, huh?

It all started off a few months ago when our dog Kiko saw a squirrel and decided he needed to chase it, through our fence which had become less than secure.  A mound of rock and dirt which was once a nice flowerbed had decided to make like the coastal hills of so-cal and slide down.  It wasn't too bad till it started to push the bottom of the fence into the neighbors yard.  So over the course of the last few months, I got several calls from the wife letting me know that she's retrieved Kiko from our neighbors yard...again.

So when time finally allowed and we had the finances to purchase some new fence boards, the time had come.  So the digging began, which was actually pretty hard considering the dirt was mixed with 1" river rock.  So Becky and I spent a few hours digging it out, by which time, we were done for the day.

Sunday I stayed home with Isaac as he was sick and Becky went to church.  I stalled till about 11 when I went and stared at the dismal fence for a little while.  I had taken 4 boards down when the neighbor came out with his dog.  I informed him that two sections of fence would be down for a little while, and he said that's fine as their dog (actually his daughters, he was dog sitting) was kind of a wimp.  I suggested letting our dogs and theirs play, which they did, and did alot of.

So as I tore down boards and the dogs ran around (btw, the previously mentioned blister had already gone bad), I got all the old boards down and the old support beams down as well.  by this time Becky had gotten home and started bringing the new board out of the shop as I was getting the new beams up in place....once we agreed on a height, I started in on it.  about half way through, I noticed the sun was gone and there was some mean looking clouds coming in.  It turned out we were about 2.75 boards short, so Becky and Isaac ran to Lowes to get the wood, I started moving the old boards out of the way so the boys wouldn't hurt themselves, and it started to rain, and rain, and RAIN.

The rain lasted about 1-2 hours.  By the time it stopped we had enough boards to finish, so I ran our and nailed up the last few boards on what I would like to call Sector 1 & 2 of our back fence.  I think we have about 4 or 5 more to go.  Hopefully my thumb will feel better.