Friday, June 1, 2012

Word Association?

My last blog go me thinking a lot about the mind and how it works, I know each person would respond differently to what I am about to propose.  I'm going to 'google' a phrase, and go to the first results, and see where that leads me.  Before I begin I would like to point out the scientific research community is NOT in support of this and I am responsible for any outcome that may ensue here on out.

Random Phrase: 'Random Thoughts'
1st Google Result:
Page Entry: "Jealous of what."
On Your Marks
When I hear the work 'Jealous' the first this that comes to mind is the song 'Hey Jealousy' by the Gin Blossoms.  In that song there is a line, 'we could drive around this town, and let the cops chase us around'.   Given I have never been chased by cops, I have spent time just driving around.  One memory is back in my high-school days when we would hang out at 'Neon Lyons' and then go TP someone.  A few of us would throw toilet paper all over Joan's house, while Mark would be in his little white truck with the bed open, and engine was inevitable that someone would come out, we would bolt to the truck and take off before we could be identified.  And these were my church friends...classic. (/br> This one time I was out with another friend from school, let's call him Mason.  A friend of ours was moving away and we through we would give them a send off with TP.  It was S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for this kind of activity, except for two small details.  
  1. This was is Clayton, CA.  Small town with bored cops.
  2. Our friends dad was a prominent figure in that city, and not a fan of exterior decorating.
We were teenagers, what did we care, right?  Right?

Just as we were about to fling the tp into the trees a cop pulls up.  You know TPing someone's home is an art.  It not some Frat prank where you just toss paper wherever.  Great care should be used, with an artistic flare.  I learned how to properly TP a house from my parents.  How many people out there can say that?

I love my parents.