Monday, March 26, 2012

Stand Back! It is time for a quick vaca (Part 2 of Standby)

So now that the "Standby flights" are done, and I'm back from that quick vacation, I can tell you all how it went...
Mmmm, a bagel from Boise...
My first experience of flying standby was a little nerve wracking, especially when the terminal was as full as the one I was in. Before I went to the airport, I had to pick up my travel buddy, Isaac.  He had no idea we were taking a trip to see his cousins.  When we finally told him, he was kind of in shock, no real reaction.  When we showed him the packed bags in my car, the squealing began.  Needless to say, he was very excited.  So off to the airport, hoping to get on a 5:30 flight to Seattle.

It turned out that another flight had been cancelled due to weather, so they were re-routing people that had connecting flights.  As a "Standby" flyer, all I could do was stand by and wait.  Turns out we didn't make that flight, then panic ensued.  I stood in line for 15 minutes before getting some help.  Turns out they were in the process of boarding another flight that was also going to Seattle, but it was connecting through Lewiston.  She asked me what my "final" destination was...I first thought eternal life with my Father up in Heaven, but then I knew that wasn't so soon, so I said Oakland.  She then told me that if I made this flight (which I did), they could get me on a connector that night to Oakland.  Please keep in mind I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and a 5 hour energy from 8 hours ago.  I just wanted to get to Seattle, go to the hotel, and get at least 6 hours of sleep.  We got on the 6:20 connecting flight and we're off.
Almost there...

After we left Lewiston, I kept thinking about the connecting flight to Oakland, so I asked Isaac what he would rather do.  Of course he wanted to see Nana and Papa as soon as possible, so I knew once we hit the ground in Seattle, it was going to get complicated.  I quickly put together a mental 'to-do' list.

  • contact parents and confirm they can pick up from OAKLAND airport at 11:00
  • contact AlaskaAir to make sure we could get on the 8:30 flight to Oakland
  • contact hotel in Seattle to confirm that reservation can be cancelled
  • contact hotel assuming reservation can be cancelled
    • contact Becky to cancel reservation since I could not locate number to Expedia
    • contact Becky to contact parents to confirm pickup since they did not answer their phone
  • try and find some food before getting on the plane (FAILED)
Aside from the food, all the above tasks were completed within 10 minutes...we got on the plane and relaxed a little.  Turned out we could order some food on the plane, once we took off...we landed in Oakland around 10:40, picked up at the terminal by both my parents, and it was time to relax...sort of.

(Public Service Announcement: If you travel with your child, and he has a tendency to kick in his sleep...make sure he sleeps in some other location not occupied by you.)

The next morning we went to "Nana C's" to see my Aunts, my Nana, and Nanu.  The one thing you can always count on when you go to "Nana C's" is being fed.  It's almost like she's not happy till you're eating some of her delicious food.  In this case, she had some in the oven when we got there.  I don't want to offend, so I had to say my cousins who may be reading this, you know exactly what I mean, but how could you say no?

I found it very entertaining when my aunts said, no thank you, they didn't want least till the plate hit the table, then it was the in home kitchen version of a feeding frenzy once the Għaġin il-Forn hit the table.  It was good to see the family though.

Finally made it to my brother's house and Isaac couldn't of been more excited to see his cousin Addison.  We ended up having lunch at a bakery called Boudin's in a local shopping plaza.  The food was good and the weather was nice so we ate outside, and it was 'LOUD'.  We managed, we always do.  It wasn't till later that day that Isaac's other two cousins, Olivia and Josh finally made it home...they the fun really started.

Since it's late, I'll finish this up in "Standby, Part 3".  Till then... goodnight, and only 8 months and 18 days till the HOBBIT.


Monday, March 19, 2012


For many people a feeling of nostalgia overcomes them when they hear the words, "Standing by".  For myself, when ever I hear these words, I immediately place "Red 5" in front of it.  And sometimes, "Lock S-foils in attack position" afterwards.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please stop reading this post.  If you know what the Battle of Yavin is, you may punch your geek card, and continue.

Of course, this blog has nothing to do with Star Wars, I'm just a sucker for rabbit trails and will tend to sway of course during my thought process.  This blog will be dedicated to the many travelers in the sky who choose to not commit to any specific schedule.  Those that live on the edge and can depart and arrive at any time.  Those individuals that see the lines in the road, not as bright yellow, but faded shades of grey.  People that see a STOP sign as a suggestion, and not a rule.  People that throw caution to the wind as they stand in line at CINNABON.  Someone who has heard a weather report and believed it. (you know who you are).  Very soon, for the first time in my life, I am flying standby...

Flexability is the key.  It all started off that we would leave on a Thursday and come back on a Sunday.  Because nothing is guaranteed, except I need to be at work on Sunday we chose to book flights home on Sunday evening, leaving the trip there, to chance.  All flights Thursday were booked, only one flight on Wed available...for several days it was 'good to go' with 9-12 seats available.  That number dropped sharply so we seeked alternatives, as I don't like travel to be uncertain.  After a couple hours of research and comparisons, contemplating a car rental and driving one way (which is still an option), the following solution was created.

BOI - SEA - several flights leaving Tuesday night, some have more seats available than others, so it is highly likely we'll get one one...

because it's a late flight, accomidations have been made for a night stay (close to the airport)

SEA - OAK - first flight leaves at 6:15AM, we'll be there by 5AM to assure that we can get on the plane, if not, there are several other flights that day, but the next one isn't till after 3PM, so that means an afternoon in Seattle (not a bad thing)

Still, I prefer knowing that I have secured seats on a plan, but for the price, you really can't beat it...assuming your 'flexible'.  If this trip does pan out as planned, I owe a big thank you to a friend who made it all possible.  I'll post a follow-up blog on how the trip really went.

Till then, may the next 8 months and 25 days be peaceful and relaxing, till the HOBBIT comes to a theater near you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thinking about fruit

I find myself thinking about things a's a dangerous pastime, I know.  I saw a headline today that said, "New iPad".  I'm thinking to myself, didn't they just release a new iPad a few months ago?  Or was that the iphone?  or the new, iWasher (finally a mac product that does the dishes.  I would personally wait for the iWasher2, that model has the "no-spot rinse"!)

Why do I pick on mac, simple...I'm a PC.  So I'm thinking that every other month there is a new Mac product and all my "Mac" friends are running out to buy it. (Lemmings)  Even if there isn't that much difference from the previous model.  So here is my theory.

Sometime after Apple took the idea of a tablet from Mr. Gates (he came up with it back in 2001).  They sat down and came up with this big laundry list of features.  But being the marketing genius that they are, they only put a few of them in on the first launch.  Why?  Why? Why?  My theory is the 'lemming' factor.  Knowing that they can do a new version every 1 or 2 years, they can keep pushing out new 'improved' models.  Thus a guaranteed stream of income.  Brilliant!

....This is just a theory....

Don't get me wrong, I have an iPad and I love it...yes, it's version 1.  And my friends who are mac users, no hard feelings.  You know I got nothin' but love for ya!

...and there is 9 months and 7 days till the HOBBIT hits the you were citizens


Thursday, March 1, 2012


So with the new year, everyone makes some kind of 'New Year's Resolution'.  Quit smoking, drink less, lose weight, eat better, run a marathon, get that tattoo of your ex removed, get to bed before 2AM, etc, etc, etc.  Some of these are global, others are more specific to certain demographics.  I keep it simple, "Have more Aspirations to becoming Healthier and Happier"
This can simplify any resolutions, because when you aspire to something, you don't necessarily have it already.  You simply have a goal of obtaining it, which I believe in my cases to be better than the instant gratification wanted by so many of the "NOW" generation.  Our parents grew up in a time where they had to work hard for what they had.  It was earned, and therefore more appreciated.  I'm sad to say that my generation was handed more things than we probably deserve.  Because we didn't earn it, it wasn't appreciated and sometimes mistreated, abused, or broken.  In all honesty, I have no idea why I'm saying this as it really doesn't have anything to do with this blog.  Guess I'm just 'free-stylin'.

But back to changes and resolutions.... 

So now that we are in the new year, and our tax return as been received, we have purchased a used treadmill from one of Becky's friends.  TreadMills are seen in different ways.  Some call it the door to weight loss, others look at it as another place to hang towels.  I'm all for weight loss, Lord knows I could use to shed a few.  But that is not my goal.  I'm looking at it as a conditioner, to keep my hair silky smooth.  Sorry, bad joke.  I started off walking 2mph for 20 minutes, each day increasing just a bit.  Today, I'm up to 3 mph.  Physical conditioning, to give my body the ability to do more.  As I walk more, and walk faster, the weight loss will come naturally.  Being obsessed over it is a recipe for disaster.  At least that's my opinion.

My goal is to "run" around the lake this year.  Preferably without dying of exhaustion at the end.  5 months and counting...

It will help having a hot tub to soak the sore muscles.  Did I mention that?  Perhaps that will be another blog.

Peace out!  Yo!
