Saturday, September 7, 2013

So who's paying attention?

If you didn't notice I'm blogging more, well I am.  I have to ask myself why?  Maybe because I have more to say?  Maybe, I'm just more vocal this time of the year?  I have no idea...but I hope those that read this find it entertaining, informational, educational, or just plain stupid.  Either way, thank you for being part of my audience.  Just between us, I have started writing several blogs over the past few weeks, but never seem to finish them, and they are all about change.  Lately I have been going through a lot of changes and haven't figured out how to express them.
So from to get this done while I still have time.  As you know I have been pursuing a career as a Farmers agent since December of last year, and some of you are my clients.  As I'm sure you can is not an easy job to be in, especially when it is %100 commissioned based.  I love Farmers and the protection they provide and service they provide.  Because of financial reasons, I will be starting a new job on Monday, but my plan is to continue as a Farmers Agent, just not full time anymore.  I will continue to service my clients and sign new policies as they come up.  If you are my client and have questions, please call me.  As far as I'm concerned, nothing is really changing and you are still my client.

Another change is that I am no longer part of The Roxtar Project...sadly that is a more in depth story than I have time for at the moment.  However music is a big part of my life so I'm already searching for a new group to be part of, and I have a "meet & greet" tomorrow to make sure we get along before we start making music.
That's all I got time for today.  I would appreciate you following my blog, or clicking on some of these ads...I need some new shoes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So what now?

Each day we make choices.  That choice will inevitably lead to an action, or an inaction.  Those actions will lead to results, or consequences.  Unfortunately life moves to quickly for us to stop and analyze every decision we make.  Should I wear the black shoes, or the brown shoes?  Should I change lanes after this light?  What should I have for breakfast?  Did I turn the stove off?

The choices above can obviously have a wide array of results.  The choice of shoes is pretty harmless, as is your decision for breakfast.  Unless you choose between a simple English muffin or a full order of Eggs Benedict.  Aside from the calories, the flavors, textures, and overall satisfaction is in question.  Not that there is anything wrong with a simple English Muffin.  I personally prefer my Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon instead of ham, but that's just me.

Changing Lanes can have a whole different set of consequences.  Especially if it involves the new BATMAN and Nick Fury.  Aside from comic book heroes, there are real consequences.  Sometimes you can get around that big slow truck and be merrily on your way.  Sometimes that truck won't see you and you can end up thinner, flatter, and in more pieces than one.  In short, you should always be aware of your surroundings when driving on the road.

Today I made a choice, which lead to an action.  I'm still not sure what the results are going to be so I am patiently waiting for some type of outcome.  I had a handful of Cheetos for breakfast, with a big glass of ice water.  I would have preferred the Eggs Benedict.  It's been several hours now and I am a little concerned.  Chester has yet to visit my home.  Guess it is time to move on to lunch.  Nothing like taking ones own life into their hands.   (No breakfast items were hurt in the writing of this blog)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Who do You Trust?

We live in a free economy, of course it doesn't always feel that way, but we do. We have the right to choose who we do business with, and where we spend out money. (Except for taxes, that is where it doesn't feel free) Everyday we make choices and those choices end in results. There are so many we may choose from on a daily basis, we don't even realize we are making them. Here are just a few to consider:
  • Wake-up vs Snooze
  • Oatmeal vs Cereal
  • Milk vs OJ vs Coffee
  • Coke vs Pepsi
  • McDonald's vs Burger King
  • Netflix vs Sleep
In the examples above are pretty trivial, with the exception of lack of sleep, there are no serious consequences, it is just another part of the day. When the choices get bigger, such as a new car, remodeling, financial investments, even Insurance providers, there is a bit more on the line. In these types of cases, we usually seek advise from professionals, but not just a random name from a phone book, or the first link that Google returns. It is usually from someone we trust, or a referral from someone we trust.

I have spent months building a network of people I trust. This list goes from auto/glass repair, to mortgage brokers, Real Estate Agents (residential/commercial), Hospitality, Catering, Satellite, technical support, and on and on. The reason I've done this, and will continue doing this is so when my client needs assistance, regardless of the need, I will be able to provide that support to them, or find someone who can.

My Agency goes beyond great Insurance Coverage, I want to provide COMPLETE coverage. With that, what can I do to earn your trust?

Brian Marquez
Farmers Insurance
2947 E Magic View Dr Ste 1
Meridian, ID 83642-3562
208-871-9701 (Office)
208-884-8208 (Fax)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

and so goes the story...

Changes, they keep coming and we keep taking stride.  As I write this there are several things running through my head so I'll try to keep this short.

FAMILY: My kids are in VBS at our church this week.  The material is from a band called "GoFish".  The love the music and as I write are dancing and grooving to these guys.  I love the energy but I keep waiting for them to bonk their heads on something.  That's when the fun really starts.

WORK: Hooks are in the water, getting some nibbles, but not enough bites to pay the bills...I need more hooks!  Of course I got one BIG hook right now, but no guarantees.  Talking with other reserve agents, we are all pretty much in the same boat.  We love the company, we love the job, we love working with different people....but the pay sucks.  Of course it takes a few years to get this kind of business up and running so we have no excuses...just results!  right?

WORK2: Hurray for a 2nd job to fill in the cracks!  Nuff said about that.

BAND:  I need it, and I need more of it!

CAR: Yesterday my car decided not to start, did you hear that?  Of course not, it wouldn't start.  Anyways, a big thanks to Niel for coming over this morning and helping me get it up and running again.  We were prepared to replace the starter (which is no simple task).  Turns out that it was the battery, which is much easier to replace, and we replaced it.  The HONDA lives!!!

I'd love to stay and chat, but I got rehearsal...see BAND above.

Peace Out Yo!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I will be the first to admit that we have some beautiful country in the NorthWest, but I can only take so much at one time.  I have been staring at views like this for the past 5 hours.I am ready for a change.  While I wait for a change, anyone see the sad face in the clouds?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

So where have I been?

The past year has been a definite roller coaster with lots of ups and downs, good times and bad.  Different experiences, more challenges, new additions.  I know I said this before, but more blogs will be coming from stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The following video covers a very sensitive subject that is near and dear to my heart.  Especially lately with the unusually 'lasting' winter.  Most people know that living in the Treasure Valley is a great thing during the winter months.  It will snow and everything will be pretty, but the end of the day, or even a few days later it will all melt away.  This year, the snow has been around for weeks!  The roads are covered and it's not going away.  With that in mind, we actually had freezing rain the other day, thus the following video has been provided for your enjoyment.  Please note that the people most likely suffered injuries for your entertainment.
Monday morning I went out to my car to let it warm up, on the way I pulled a graceful move, like what you just watched.  It is not funny, I did not laugh, and it hurts.  Three days later, it doesn't hurt more, it doesn't hurt's like death and taxes...always there.  I didn't break anything, but my 'personality' definitely took a bruise.
W Claire St
On the bright side, it was a balmy 38 degrees today, that means the snow is on it's way out, for now anyways.  All things aside, winter time is beautiful here!
downtown Boise

Saturday, January 19, 2013

For your consideration...

So my business is off and running, and I'm in the process of giving quotes, writing policies, and meeting new people.  There are literally hundreds of ways to run a business like this.  The rule of thumb is to have at least 5 different marketing strategies going at the same time.  I'm not there yet, but I'm working my way up to it.

My latest en devour is a seasonal drawing for Valentine's Day.  Let me quote your insurance and you are automatically entered into the drawing, regardless if you let me write your policy or not.  And as a little extra incentive, I do know that some of you are already with Farmers, so if you refer someone to me who lets me quote their insurance, I'll enter them, and you into the drawing.

I'll be drawing for the winner on Feb 10., so don't wait till the last minute

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Yellow Snow

Good Morning!!! Are we there yet?
So when I last left off, I was enjoying some quiet time in our hotel while Isaac was swimming at the indoor pool.  The rest of the night was very peaceful and relaxing...of course I had a dread the next day and something I really wasn't looking forward to...

...we all travel, some take planes, some take trains, and other by car.  Please don't get me wrong, I love a good road trip, I was raised on them, either with my family in our old Chevy Pickup, or one countless church trips to Mexico and beyond.  There is a down side to road trips, and that comes in the form of weather...more specifically snow and ice.  When you travel by car, that means you wither need 4 wheel drive, chains or cables.  In my case, it was cables....on a new car I've never put cables on before.  I've actually only done cables once before, and that was on my Honda, the tires were much smaller so it was a bit easier to navigate.  As you can see below, after 3 attempts, the cables were finally installed and we set off over the mountain pass.  When traveling you tend to realize the advantages of being a both Isaac and I took part in the long honored tradition of removing chains from our tires, and creating the colorful yellow snow that is so popular. (Not Lemon)
Best $20 I ever spent to have a professional install these for me!!!

"You'll Shoot Your Eyes Out!" is a phrase I've heard several times, and will probably be hearing for a while.  My Father-in-Law always kept a bb/pellet gun by the back door.  I'm not sure why, perhaps to shoot targets out the back door when he got bored?  It turns out that in recent months, he got a new bb/pellet gun from the local Freddies, but he wasn't very happy with it.  He said if I liked it, I could keep it.  Who am I to say no to awesome weaponry?  It's a long way from my 30-06, and definitively no Glock, but Isaac loves it.  I think it's a great way to teach him gun safety and proper etiquette for handling a gun.  After all, we do live in Idaho!  Turns out that he is a really good shot (after his Uncle Sam taught him how to line up the shot)
The drive home was much easier then the trip there.  For some reason, this is always the case.  Despite the thermometer being much lower than the trip there, the roads were much clearer and chains were not required.  What's funny is that when we stopped in Burns and I took this photo, I thought 19 was cold.  I'm looking at my weather forecast right now and it was it's sunny and 1 degree that's cold!

Speaking of cold, my band auditioned two new people this past week, out in my shop of course.  I have a small oil heater that definitely will not heat up my shop.  Rehearsal was a bit chilly, but we got through.  Sadly neither audition worked out, but that is part of life, we can't always get what we want.