Thursday, January 20, 2011


Each week has 168 hours, no more, no less.  So how does one occupy this time?  I've been asking myself this question a lot lately, not because I have a great amount of time, but more to the point that I could be doing more with my time.  I need a hobby.  Something that doesn't cost a lot. Something that I enjoy.  Something productive.


–noun, plural -bies.
an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation andnot as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.

Fishing - There's a lot involved with fishing.  I hear it's very therapeutic, but it's also very cold out.  Locally, I understand fly fishing is the way to go.  This would require new equipment, classes, licenses, etc.  But it's seasonal so.....
Hunting - Again, seasonal.  But the idea of being able to fill up my freezer is very inviting, and cost effective as a 30-06 bullet can cost up to a few dollars, but a freezer full of meat is worth it.  Locally, everyone and their grandmother hunts.  They learned from their dads.  It's not something that you can just go out and do, again, there's a lot too it.
Woodcarving - thanks, but no
Cooking - I love to cook.  Lately, I've been doing more in the kitchen and some of it has been really good.  I don't always write down my recipes, I see it more as methods than math...but that of course is another blog.
Music - I love to play, I wish I could play more, so why don't I?  I'm currently in the process of checking out local bands that need a drummer.  (There's more than you think)

Don't take me the wrong way, I am still very much a father, a husband, a son, and friend to many. But for sanity sake, I need something to break up the routine. Something to keep my mind busy and not venture off into the abyss of madness, like a ticking clock that skips every other second and then wonders why it's late.
...watching American Idol in the background and some guy just sang "Bad Romance"....judges laughed and did not give him a ticket, but I thought he sounded very much like the original, without the auto-tune...
So what was I saying? Oh, yeah, the an older camera without a video card, where does it all go? An unopened box of Windows 3.1, is it worth anything? Could you give it away?  I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.  Gotta make you understand, I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you gooo...DARN IT!  I just got Rick Rolled.

God Bless, and Good Night


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Each day we notice things that often go unnoticed, which is why I try to take notice of them.  Not for any deep philosophical reason, but just for the heck of it...maybe I'm bored...maybe it'll be something that will make sense later, I have no idea.  For instance....

...I see the same SUV with Virginia Government plates on my way to work every day, who is this person and where are they going?  I'd follow them, but I think that might be considered stalking

...when I drop off Royal at day care, there is on average about 3 really nice cars/suv/trucks with their engines running, doors unlocked, and's not that cold out.  I wouldn't steal a car, I'm just saying, I lock my doors when I'm not in the car, maybe it's a touch of California?

...the blue mac & cheese boxes don't open as easy as I remember them.  Does this mean they make the boxes stronger?  am i getting weaker?  or is it that the craving for the blue box isn't nearly as strong as it was when I was younger so I'm contributing less effort?

...I don't want to be political, but it's hard not to.  So this guy in AZ is clearly a little off his rocker, and decides to engage in a horrific event and take the lives of innocent people.  Why do people on the same day, within hours of the event start pointing fingers at who's to blame?  Is America that insecure?  Yes we know who pulled the trigger, but we don't know why, yet.  Should we rush to judgement and make a bunch of emotional decisions, or wait for more detail and be rational in our thinking and morn the loss we all just suffered.  Can a bunch of laws and regulations prevent this from happening again?  Probably not, all that would do is anger more people.  The big thing is this...we are all going to pass on eventually.  I pray that I'll be with my savior when that day comes, but there is no way to tell when that day is.  A high school buddy,  Justin McRoberts, is a singer/songwriter, wrote some lyrics that stick with with.  "The question isn't are you going to die, you're going to die.  But will you be done living when you do"  Life is a journey, enjoy the adventure....

...why do new socks rock so much?  Because they do!

I'll leave that last one for you to answer...