Thursday, June 13, 2013

and so goes the story...

Changes, they keep coming and we keep taking stride.  As I write this there are several things running through my head so I'll try to keep this short.

FAMILY: My kids are in VBS at our church this week.  The material is from a band called "GoFish".  The love the music and as I write are dancing and grooving to these guys.  I love the energy but I keep waiting for them to bonk their heads on something.  That's when the fun really starts.

WORK: Hooks are in the water, getting some nibbles, but not enough bites to pay the bills...I need more hooks!  Of course I got one BIG hook right now, but no guarantees.  Talking with other reserve agents, we are all pretty much in the same boat.  We love the company, we love the job, we love working with different people....but the pay sucks.  Of course it takes a few years to get this kind of business up and running so we have no excuses...just results!  right?

WORK2: Hurray for a 2nd job to fill in the cracks!  Nuff said about that.

BAND:  I need it, and I need more of it!

CAR: Yesterday my car decided not to start, did you hear that?  Of course not, it wouldn't start.  Anyways, a big thanks to Niel for coming over this morning and helping me get it up and running again.  We were prepared to replace the starter (which is no simple task).  Turns out that it was the battery, which is much easier to replace, and we replaced it.  The HONDA lives!!!

I'd love to stay and chat, but I got rehearsal...see BAND above.

Peace Out Yo!
