Monday, February 28, 2011

Killing Time...

That's such an interesting phrase..."killing time".  It sounds very angry on paper, but when spoken it's very laid back...."Hey Brian, whatcha doin'?"...."What does it look like I'm doing?  I'm KILLING TIME!"  But when you think about it, time cannot be killed, at least not in the hear and now. 

I understand that if you are part of a bomb squad and staring at a device that has less than 60 seconds on it, time can be very precious.  But if you look at it in the big picture, there is a lot of time our there.  There's about 525,600 minutes in a year (not including 02/29) 

I've been married for over 302,054,400 seconds!  (And loved every single one of them)

But as you sit and read this, time is moving by.  It's not infinite, we all have a limited amount of time in our lives...regardless of how young we might be, let's use them well.  Time cannot be killed, but it can be wasted...make the most of it.

You got a gift so you best start using it
Cause if you don't your going to wind up losing it
Busy like a school boy making an A
Cause time my brother is tickin away

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lunch with Isaac

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Testing new media

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7


Since I've become so used to "waiting" lately, I thought I'd compose a list of things we wait for...have waited for...or still waiting for.

In no particular order
  1. The light to turn green
  2. Your feet to warm up
  3. 5:00
  4. Hugs
  5. Oil Change
  6. Trip to Disneyland
  7. the rain to stop
  8. first snow
  9. last snow
  10. FaceBook to load
  11. The next version of iPhone, or any other mac product
  12. That perfect first bite of sushi that makes your knees week
  13. the next big movie
  14. next kiss
  15. the water to boil
  16. Justin Bieber to cut his hair
  17. to be forgiven
  18. that perfect game of bejeweled blitz
  19. the next Star Wars film
  20. Hot water in the morning (this can be for coffee, tea or shower)
  21. the next diaper to change
  22. taxes
  23. is it lunch yet?
  24. next mortgage/rent payment
  25. an alarm clock that is always "too early"
  26. Not making the band...not because your not good enough, but there was someone better.
  27. Did I mention a hug?
ok, now I'm a little bummed out....but at least I'm not waiting anymore.

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    Too much information?

    So here is my situation in regards to the band.  They like me, but I lack experience.  It will take at least a few months to get me up to speed.  The other guy is a professional musician, has toured nationally with all types of bands.  He has connections that a working band can only dream of.  With him, they could start playing this weekend.  They would be fools not choose this guy.  The only thing is this other guy has several offers on the table and hasn't decided yet.

    As much as I want this, I can totally understand where they are coming from.  I'm in the same situation.  An opportunity to play with someone of such a higher caliber, it's an opportunity that you can't pass up, as it will open so many new doors.  The only question here is who's doors are opened?  Mine or theirs?

    (I would like to clarify to the peeps that I play with at church.  I love you guys, and you are professionals in my book.  Please don't take this the wrong way)

    So he was supposed to call them today, but as of 7:00, he had not.  They are giving him till Friday, if it's a no, then it's a YES for me.  That's good right?  Being the second choice?  Knowing that there was someone better?  If you have an opportunity to do something that you love, you don't question it, you just do it.  There is always someone who's going to be better than you.  In this case, before they met me, all the good ones worth having were already playing in another band.  I was their top choice.  If that gives me the chance to build these relationships and play great music...that's good enough for me.

    The guys in this band are truly men of integrity.  They don't want to be fake, and keep secrets.  How can you not respect that.  They have my respect regardless of their choice.

    I appreciate their honesty, and it will probably make the rest of the week drag till I get an affirmative yes or no, but the experience has been worth it.  I got to play "Whip It" by Devo with a live band and discovered that's it's a deceptively simple song...meaning it sounds simple, but it puts you through your paces...

    Till next time...

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Sunrises...It's a new day

    Lately I've been taking pictures of the sunrise, either before I leave for work, or on my way.  Whenever I see the sunrise, I'm reminded of a song by one of my favorite bands, Guardian, which I'm sure most of you have never heard of...

    When I'm sad
    I feel you smile and whisper to me
    Every little thing will be alright
    Like the sun
    Comes shinin' through my window
    Breaks the darkness in the early morning light

    When a new day comes, you never know what to expect, seriously anything can happen from the time you wake up to when you head hits the pillow.  This week, a lot has happened that I hope I can tell you about without breaking off into too many tangents.  (I should rename my blog the rabbit trail, since I follow it so often)
    So as you already know, I'm trying to break into the music industry? business? scene? none of these really apply, at least I don't think they do, but then again, maybe they all do.  I'm seeking an outlet to express myself musically, make some new friends, and play LOUD...more on that later...this week started like any other, with the exception that my 2 o'clock I discovered that we may have 2 more foster kids coming into our home.  Since our last child left us two weeks ago, after a 14 month stay, I thought it was pretty quick, but who am I to say no to someone in need.  I am prone to put others before myself.  Most of the time that's can be a good thing, but there comes a time when I need to do for myself.  That's part of what this whole music project is about, but see, I'm getting off topic again.  So we now have 3 very energetic boys in the house, I truly believe that Isaac feeds off the energy...he's my boy!

    At work, my computer has been updated from a dinosaur relic to a new "slightly used" machine running Windows 7.  I'm the first one in the office to get the new platform...I know it's nothing spectacular, but it's a change, and change is good....right?  Lots of little things that are different, mostly good, but there are some features I miss.  (the problem with blogging on the run, is I usually don't get a chance to complete all my thoughts at once, thus I'm scattered)

    So Friday has rolled around finally...last night I got to hang out with one of the guys from the band.  Let's call him J.D. (that's what everyone else calls him).  He's a really cool guy that runs his own music studio called CatWerk.  Hey plays it all, guitar, bass, keys, drums, vocals, and he's really good.  We talked a lot about music, gave some back-story about how we got to where we are today, hung out in the studio for a couple hours after having some "Los Betos".  He has literally hundreds of songs that he's written, recorded, and produced, that are actually on TV.  If you watch Man vs Food, you've heard his stuff, as well as some other TV shows.  Being in a band with several guys that play multiple instruments would give me and them the opportunity to switch things around on a couple songs.  Give me a chance to come out from behind the skins and maybe rock a little guitar.  (wish I still had my Fender)

    So as the sun sets, we look back on our day and realize everything that has transpired in the last hours of day light.  Our foster boys have gone home to their parents.....I'm still waiting for a call to hear if I made the band or not....taking my wife out on a date tomorrow....quality time with Isaac..worship rehearsal in the AM...another basket of veggies and fruits...and maybe some sleep.

    Good Night, and God Bless!

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Hobbies - part deux

    So when I wrote Hobbies part one, I decided that the best course of action for me is music.  Playing at church is great, and I love being able to worship with resounding cymbals (Psalm 150).  But sometimes you just need to rock.  So my journey began...

    If your a musician and you want to join an existing band, of course you go to Craig's List or Guitar Center.  Since I didn't feel like driving to G.C., I chose Craig's List because it's easier and I'm less likely to spend money.  So I respond to an add of a guy looking for a drummer, there are a few out there, but mostly looking for Heavy Metal or something like that.  This add was looking for someone older.  Anyways, after a few emails back and forth, we decided to meet at a local club that basically did an open mic blues night.  To make a long story short, they chose to go with a different drummer because he was closer.  (turns out later that he quit because they didn't play enough Beatle songs.  I know this because they called me the other day to see if I was still interested.)

    So finding out I got the boot, I went back to Craig's list a few days later to see if there was anything new...that's when I saw this:

    I emailed them on Friday, right before heading to the dentist.  They emailed back later that night wanting to talk, having had some dental work done, I was still numb and not able to talk well, so I said i'd call the next day.  Saturday was a busy day, and went something like this....

    8:00 AM - Wake Up
    9:00AM - Worship team rehearsal @ CGC
    10:30AM - Head to McDonald's for Isaac's BD Party, Call Patrick en route.  During the conversation, we managed to setup an "audition" that evening.
    12:00PM - not having any drum sticks (there were all at CGC) I ran to G.C. and bought a pair of my favorite Dave Weckl sticks  and some guitar picks because I was out.

    7:00PM - Head over to the my heart out, apparently I don't play very loud...but I do now.
    10:15PM - Leave, very satisfied, and excited.

    During those three hours, I realized several things.

    1. These guys have there stuff together.  They are professional, a very tight sound, and extremely loud.
    2. I need some more sticks since the pair I just bought broke.
    3. I love playing rock songs, having just rocked out to the following
      1. Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
      2. White Wedding - Billy Idol
      3. Money - Pink Floyd
      4. Somebody - Bryan Adams
      5. and several others, but it was a blurr....
    4. Gotta figure out how to play more and get my chops back up to speed.
    so the question was posed to me, how can you learn new songs, when your drums are at church?  I responded with a challenge of "give me three songs, and I'll come back next week and play them".  The next several days have been spent listening over and over and over and over and over to:

    • Life is a Highway - Rascal Flatts                                                                        
    • Middle - Jimmy Eats World
    • Wall - Pink Floyd (a medley they play often.  Almost 8 minutes long)
    Tonight, I just got home after my second audition, having played the three songs above (several time to work out some kinks) as well as a bunch of other songs I couldn't even begin to tell you, but rang from Bryan Adams, Billy Idol, Foo Fighters, Smash Mouth, briefly touched Spinal Tap and Rush, and others.  We all had a real fun time.  Of course my butt was a little sore as the drum stool was a bit firm.  But i got to play with a double bass pedal, which was a first (gonna have to work on that).
    I left that garage tonight with high hopes.  Was I perfect, no.  Can I improve, of course.  I believe that I can contribute a lot to this working band.  They play locally, but they have also done gigs in Redding, CA, Walnut Creek, CA, and even as far south as Los Angeles.  Playing in an actual working rock band has always been a dream of mine, but so far fetched that I've never pursued it till now.

    Even though they didn't know "Dreams" by Van Halen (not that any of us can sing it anyways), these guys can rock.  Regardless of the outcome, I had a great time playing with them.  I just hope I can do it on a regular basis...

    ...stay tuned sports fans, I should be getting a call tomorrow...