Saturday, September 7, 2013

So who's paying attention?

If you didn't notice I'm blogging more, well I am.  I have to ask myself why?  Maybe because I have more to say?  Maybe, I'm just more vocal this time of the year?  I have no idea...but I hope those that read this find it entertaining, informational, educational, or just plain stupid.  Either way, thank you for being part of my audience.  Just between us, I have started writing several blogs over the past few weeks, but never seem to finish them, and they are all about change.  Lately I have been going through a lot of changes and haven't figured out how to express them.
So from to get this done while I still have time.  As you know I have been pursuing a career as a Farmers agent since December of last year, and some of you are my clients.  As I'm sure you can is not an easy job to be in, especially when it is %100 commissioned based.  I love Farmers and the protection they provide and service they provide.  Because of financial reasons, I will be starting a new job on Monday, but my plan is to continue as a Farmers Agent, just not full time anymore.  I will continue to service my clients and sign new policies as they come up.  If you are my client and have questions, please call me.  As far as I'm concerned, nothing is really changing and you are still my client.

Another change is that I am no longer part of The Roxtar Project...sadly that is a more in depth story than I have time for at the moment.  However music is a big part of my life so I'm already searching for a new group to be part of, and I have a "meet & greet" tomorrow to make sure we get along before we start making music.
That's all I got time for today.  I would appreciate you following my blog, or clicking on some of these ads...I need some new shoes.

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